Strategic Plan 2024-28



Commitment 1

As the state art museum governed by Florida State University, foster personally meaningful experiences for all people by broadening and deepening our impact locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally

I: Listen to and learn from our local community to improve The Ringling’s relevance and impact for our mutual benefit.

II: Build trust to establish reciprocal partnerships with community organizations.

III: Lead as a cultural organization in museum research, innovation, and practice.

IV: Distinguish The Ringling among our national and international peers as a world-renown organization.

Commitment 2

Ensure that accessibility and inclusive excellence are incorporated into all of our museum practices.

I: Holistically review and integrate accredited museum practices throughout all Ringling policies and procedures to increase accessibility and inclusive excellence.

II: Implement accredited museum practices throughout all Ringling departments, operations, exhibitions, performances, programs, and spaces to enhance accessibility and inclusivity for all people.


Commitment 3

Seek, invite, host, and center individuals and organizations representing the range of local, regional, and global communities

I: Implement programming practices and procedures that foster learning and collaboration with partners inside and outside The Ringling for all exhibitions, performances, programs, and spaces.

II: Invite relevant partners to co-create new work, exhibitions, performances, and programming within all Ringling spaces.

Commitment 4

Sustainably develop our collections, exhibits, performances, interpretation, and programs by collaborating with artists, curators, educators, fundraisers, and other cultural leaders to better reflect our local, regional, national, and international communities.

I: Preserve The Ringling’s collections and assets to increase accessibility and inclusivity for all people.

II: Proactively acquire assets for The Ringling’s collections relevant to our mission and vision of being inclusive and accessible for all people.

III: Develop and publish research and share ideas focused on our mission, vision, and strategic plan commitments.


Commitment 5

Invest in staff members and volunteers by providing sufficient resources, training, tools, and opportunities that enhance professional development, retention, and well-being.

I: Review, develop, create, and support staff and volunteer professional development programs to increase job fulfillment and satisfaction.

II: Review, develop, create, and support staff and volunteer retention programs.

III: Review, develop, create, and support staff and volunteer well-being programs.

Commitment 6

Develop The Ringling’s board, staff, volunteer corps, members, and donors to better reflect the community that we serve and to expand our audience.

I: Enhance staff and volunteer recruiting policies and procedures to better align representation of our community and visitorship.

II: Enhance board, membership, and donor recruiting policies and procedures to better align representation of our community and visitorship.

 Inclusion + Inspiration + Excellence

Commitment 7

Understand and contextualize The Ringling’s legacy and impact.

I: Research and share the legacy and impact of John and Mable Ringling.

II: Research and share the legacy of The Ringling as an institution.